Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kurt, Courtney, and the 90s.

I think I have previously mentioned that I was very much a 90s grunge child. My seven-year-old self was pure 90s; from my momentarily pink streaked hair (thanks, Mom!), to the flannel shirt tied around my waist, right down to my marbled black and silver doc marten boots. So I was pretty giddy about reminiscing after coming across a couple of things that made me nostalgic for a time when "Clarissa Explains it All"was the only television show I needed, and when I had a seemingly infinite scrunchie collection (both for actual hair use and around-the-wrist action).

With a brother 8 years my senior, my musical tastes really revolved around what he was listening to at the moment. And in the 90s, it was all about Nirvana. So, maybe it was also about Green Day, the Offspring, and R.E.M., but mostly--it was Nirvana. I came across this I Heart Daily Flashback piece on Kurt and Courtney's Sassy magazine interview, and knew I should pass the link along.

Secondly, the Erin Wasson-styled photographs on are perfectly 90s and Empire Records inspired. A few of my favorites from the bunch below. Check out the link to see the rest! It's all about the shredded and faded denim, worn-in cardigans, crop tops, florals and flannel.


  1. Empire Records is one of my favorite movies!!! :]


  2. I am so in love with the 90s... I also was and am so in love with kurt...

    That editorial is so good in so many ways!

  3. I graduated high school in 1999, so my most essential years were during the 90s' - my favourite bands are still Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, NIN, Deftones, Bad Religion, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Radiohead etc.

    In fact, I just had a 90's party for my birthday (pictures are in the December 2008 archives on my blog) and it was so awesome to relieve those good times.

    PS Sassy magazine was one of my favs - so snarky!

  4. I've been so nostalgic for the 90s lately. Miss those Backstreet Boys, Tomagachi, Beanie Babies, scrunchies....oh man, love it all.

  5. hahaha that so funny i had pink streaks in my hair too!
