I have returned! While I have some substantial posts in the works, I will instead use this time to address the many tags/awards I've amounted while I was away. Have to pay it forward to my fellow bloggers! First off, I was tagged by
Tereza to do this fun survey that should keep my productivity at bay (so much homework and unpacking to do...no, thanks!)
-What is [are] your current obsession[s]? Sherbert colors, Lolita, sunshine, the 70s, interior decorating, my new LA purchases...I could go on.
-What do you see outside your window? Blue sky, the house next to my apartment
-Do you nap a lot? I try not to, it always screws me over. But if I get four hours of sleep or less, I probably will nap.
-Who was the last person you hugged? My mother, actually. Which isn't typical because we live 2.5 hours apart.
-Which animal would you be? This makes me sound horribly lazy, but I would totally want to be a pretty Persian cat owned by a rich old woman. The kind of lady who would feed me Fancy Feast out of a cut crystal glass, you know.
-What’s for dinner? That's a good question, probably lots of strange snacks as I'm going to a postmortem party for a musical I just finished.
-What was the last thing you bought? Marc by Marc dress...I'm in love. Add that to obsessions to.
-What are you listening to right now? The Dream of Evan and Chan, Dntel
-What is your favourite weather? It varies. I really like 72 degrees with a light breeze and sunshine. But I also have a soft spot (especially after experiencing the wrath of summer in Kansas) for rainy and cool overcast days.
-What’s on your beside table? I don't have a bedside table, only a giant stack of magazines that makes for a nice table...my remote is sitting atop the stack.
-Say something to the person/s who tagged you. I never told Tereza why I asked if she was Czech, but the reason I asked is because I'm a Slavic Langauges and Literatures minor and was curious! I think it's awesome!
-If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? New York City in a gorgeous brownstone on the Lower West Side. That'd be some prime real estate.
-Where are you typing from right now? My bedroom in good old Kansas.
-A book you're currently reading? Notes from the Underground, Dostoevsky
-What would you like to have in your arms right now? Free time isn't really tangible, and you can't hold it, but I would love to have some more of that. Despite that fact that I'm just coming off of Spring Break. Damn.
What is your favourite tea flavour? Greeeeeen.
-If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? I would probably go home and hang out with my family.
-What did you want to become as a child? An actress.
- If you could revamp the style in your town, how would you? I would just try to help other people quit worrying about how they'll be perceived by others based upon what they're wearing. And I would yank all of the counterfeit bags out of the hands of the masses of girls on my campus.
-What is your plan for tomorrow? Russian Cultures class, Russian Language class, Western Civ II class, come home and seriously unpack...seriously.
-What color do you find yourself wearing more often than not? Purple. This is a new thing, and I've just noticed. I've been buying and wearing purple way often...
Until next time...now go enjoy yourselves. Read, watch, write, and do what makes you happy.