It never fails that once the heat of summer arrives in full force (it was 104 yesterday), I start dreaming about fall fashion. And now that anticipation comes with a cinematic complement. The September Issue (link goes to the trailer!) comes out August 28th. If this film doesn't come to a theatre near me, I will be very unhappy.
I've been subscribing to American Vogue since the age of 14, and while their choices are sometimes a little mature for my 20-year-old taste, I still find myself ear marking pages that I feel speak to the woman I intend to be. Because while right now I'm the girl who is always running late, whose dresses always end up rumpled on the floor before they make it to the hanger, and who can't seem to keep her nails unchipped; I have high hopes that I will grow into someone who always has fresh tea roses bedside, who remembers to send thank you notes in a timely manner, and who manages not to spill wine on herself when she's wearing white. Some day. Until then, I will continue to be inspired by Vogue magazines from around the globe.
If you haven't already, check out the trailer. I can't wait to see more of what goes on inside 4 Times Square. Hopefully more of Grace and Andre!